Week 1 Ethics- Bri

Briana Nichols
1 min readJan 18, 2021

One thing that I found very interesting about this week’s handout was how Aristotle discussed what I believed to be how to see our actions and the way in which we achieve those actions that could potentially, and should most definitely, lead to happiness. We see that Aristotle argues basically that all good is in favor of a higher good. We also see that to fulfill our human function well, we have to perform with excellence. What I didn’t get a answer to is whether or not there is more than one way to fulfill this happiness. This handout really made me think about how humans may not have the same definition of happiness, therefore, there may not be one specific way to achieve the happiness. Happiness, in my opinion, is contingent upon the person and their passions and interests. This handout made me think about all of the things that have brought me happiness, and made me think about what actions I took before that action that helped me achieve happiness. I do think it is plausible that all human beings share a function. Although Aristotle thinks that the function of human beings is living a rational life, one might argue that one doesn’t have to live according to an outline custom in order to achieve happiness. This handout really made me think about how humans may not have the same definition of happiness, therefore I looked at it as, there are multiple ways to achieve the same goal.

